Webb, Holly

About the author

Holly Webb isn’t a pony book author as such: her two pony stories, Ponymagic (2010) and The Secret Pony (2007) are part of series full of other animals too. After a degree in Classics at Cambridge she worked as a children’s book editor before starting to write children’s books herself. Her books are aimed at the younger end of the market, and are full of magic and animals.

Finding the books
All in print.

Links and sources
Holly Webb at Scholastic
Holly Webb’s website


The Secret Pony

Scholastic, London, 2007, 77pp,
Reprinted as: The Invisible Bunny and The Secret Pony
Scholastic, London, 2013

Molly loves animals so much she wants to be a vet when she grows up, like her Dad – after all, everyone says she has a real way with animals. Silver, the pony, isn’t just any animal – he’s a unicorn, and a unicorn who wants, more than anything else, to be free. Molly needs to find somewhere he can be happy.


Scholastic, London, 2010, 160 pp.

Lottie is sad because she might have to move away from the magic pet shop and leave all her magical friends behind. But then she discovers something: there’s a herd of unicorns who need her help. Lottie needs to find a way to stay at the shop and help the unicorns.