About the author
Mel Wayne wrote one pony story, and a non fiction title, Wild Horse Kingdom, which is the true story of his ambition to start a pony ranch in the Welsh border country. The Horse on Ben Awe takes a similar scenario, though the farm is in the Scottish Highlands, and it is two brothers who start it. It’s a fast moving story of horse stealing and villains.
Finding the books
The Horse on Ben Awe Is not impossible to find, unlike Wild Horse Kingdom, which is very difficult indeed. The Horse on Ben Awe also had an American printing.
The Horse on Ben Awe
Collins, London, 1961, 192 pp. Illus Richard Kennedy
Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961, illus Richard Kennedy
Jacket by A/D Associates
Bruce and Colin Irvine decide to rent a deserted croft in the Highlands, and make it pay as a pony breeding centre. They work hard to restore the croft, and begin their breeding programme. Nearby is the croft of Ericht, which causes intakes of breath and dark looks whenever mentioned to the locals. Colin meets Morag, whose uncle owns Ericht, and gradually finds out that there is more than just a difficult nature to the uncle.

Wild Horse Kingdom
Collins, London, 1960, 254 pp. Illus Christine Price