Silvester, Rose-Mary

About the author

Rose-Mary Silvester wrote two children’s books for Christian publishing house Pickering and Inglis. The other, Ship in the Moonlight, is, as far as I can see, a straightforward adventure story. She contributed a short story, Thunder – Horse of the Storm, to Pony Magazine Annual 1967, which was illustrated by Joan Wanklyn.

I haven’t yet been able to find any biographical information about the author.

Finding the book
Not particularly difficult to find.

Sources and links
The British Library


Cousins at the Manor School

Pickering & Inglis, London, 1969, 160 pp.

Silvelynn and Valerie du Toit are sent to school in England. Donleigh Manor seems very restricted after their free life in South Africa. Both the girls are keen riders, which makes their life easier as Donleigh is one of those schools at which you can ride. Although Silvelynn settles down, Valerie carries on the path of resistance, until she comes to realise the value of being a Christian.