Raven, Emma

About the author

Emma Raven lives in Leicester, and wrote pony books for the Stabenfeldt imprint. She was educated at a London University, and now writes pony books for the teenage market. She first experienced horses when staying at her grandmother’s house in Germany. Her grandmother had four large and scary horses, which Emma was forced to ride. The horses turned out to be less scary than her grandmother, and it was love for Emma. She now has a horse of her own, Thomas.

Finding the books
Very tricky to find in the UK, but widely available in the USA.

Links and sources
An interview with Emma Raven (no longer available)


Twilight Horses

Stabenfeldt, 2005

Twilight Horses – Demon Rider (also contains Transitionsby Jane Ayres)

I think the Salma story first appeared in the Demon Rider volume, before appearing on its own. The synopses are certainly remarkably similar!
Salma watches a stunt horse being readied for a film, with a mysterious, ghostly rider. The rider isn’t Ryan, on whom Salma has a secret crush, and whose horse Red is. Who is riding the horse?

Twilight Mystery

Stabenfeldt, Danbury, CT, 2007, 154 pp.

Salma is given the chance of being a stunt double on her horse Luce at a beautiful castle, whichhas ghosts, as well as Ryan and her best friends. Then people and horses start to disappearand Salma and her friends are involved in a life or death race.