Pullein-Thompson, Josephine

About the author

Josephine Pullein-Thompson (1924–2014) is one of the best, and most popular of pony book authors. She continued to publish books into the 1990s, having started with It Began With Picotee, which she wrote with her sisters, Christine and Diana. Writing must have seemed normal to the Pullein-Thompsons: their mother, Joanna Cannan, was a noted writer who wrote some of the very earliest pony books, as well as some notable detective and adult fiction. The Pullein-Thompsons started writing at an early age, and went on to run their own riding school. They were heavily influenced by Henry Wynmalen’s Equitation, and taught, and wrote about, a kinder and more horse-centred form of riding, moving away from the twin evils of the ‘good hunting seat’ and the backward seat whilst jumping.

Ironically, as two of her best loved series involved the Pony Club, Josephine’s own experience of it as a child was brief. Her first rally was in the Victorian stable block of nearby Stonor Park. Although a splendid stable block, its doorway was narrow, and it was blocked by older, and larger children. The Pullein-Thompsons saw and heard nothing. Their next rally was mounted and Josephine hired a ‘clipped, stabled and corn-fed pony over which I had absolutely no control.’ There were no more Pony Club rallies after that. Despite this early off-putting start, the adult Josephine went on to become District Commissioner of the Woodland Hunt Pony Club.

Josephine’s most popular series is the Noel and Henry series about the West Barsetshire Pony Club. It was written over a period of eleven years, and was one of the few English pony book series to introduce an element of romance. When I met Josephine Pullein-Thompson, I asked her what had intrigued me for decades: what happened? Did Noel and Henry get together? Their fate was never committed to print, but Josephine envisaged Henry going off with a dressage rider, but coming back to Noel (who presumably did not judge him too harshly for his defection.)

Josephine’s most successful books are those in which instruction and everyday life with horses are at the fore. In the 1970s and 1980s, she wrote The Moors books: an adventure-based series set in Cornwall. Plot was not Josephine’s strength, and these books took her away from what she did best: observe character within a tight framework. Her longest series, it features sisters Frances and Louisa Burnett (at least in the first five books: the sisters were another victim of Collins, Josephine’s publishers, who preferred characters in series not to age). In the 1980s, Josephine returned to the format with which she was most comfortable. The Woodbury Pony Club series was published in 1983 and 1984, and featured another group of vividly written children and thoroughly believable ponies.

Josephine Pullein-Thompson’s books succeeded in teaching the reader whilst never making them aware they were being taught. Equally at ease with adult as with child characters, her stories, while not stuffed full of plot, are thoroughly believable portraits of children and their ponies.

Sources, links and acknowledgements
Obituary, Daily Telegraph, 20 June, 2014, retrieved 20 June 2014
My interview with Josephine Pullein-Thompson
My article on the Noel & Henry series, which appeared in the Fidra Books’ reprints
Josephine, Christine and Diana Pullein-Thompson: Fair Girls and Grey Horses, Allison & Busby
Liz Jones, Daily Mail columnist, meets the Pullein-Thompsons
The Pullein-Thompson Archive – a blog which reviews the sisters’ stories
Josephine Pullein-Thompson also wrote one romantic fiction title under the name Josephine Mann

Finding the books

Go to the Josephine Pullein-Thompson titles available from Jane Badger Books

Finding the originals

The early books as first editions with dustjackets are the hardest to find. Most of the titles found in paperback are very easy to find; though the early Armadas with Gernat covers can be tricky to find in good condition.

Many, many thanks to Dawn Harrison, and to Jenny, Hannah, Susanna, Konstanze and Ehsan for their help with the bibliography.


Noel and Henry
Six Ponies
Pony Club Team
The Radney Riding Club
One Day Event
Pony Club Camp

The Moors
Star-Riders of the Moor
Fear Treks the Moor
Ride to the Rescue
Ghost Horse on the Moor
Treasure on the Moor
Mystery on the Moor
Suspicion Stalks the Moor

Woodbury Pony Club
Pony Club Cup
Pony Club Challenge
Pony Club Trek


It Began with Picotee (with christine and Diana Pullein-Thompson)

A & C Black, London,1946, illus Rosemary Robertson

Olivia, Bridget and Griselda Douglas own Picotee, and they are then lent Tony. Then they buy a chestnut foal they call Pengo, and then they agree to school Colonel Selcombe’s half Shetland, and then they borrow Mrs Baxter’s two ponies…. And they end up with plenty of ponies.

Six Ponies

Collins, 1946, illus Anne Bullen
Armada, 1971 and 1979
Swift, 1987
Fidra, pb, 2007
Jane Badger Books, Northamptonshire, 2019, eBook and paperback

The West Barsetshire Pony Club are given six New Forest Ponies to break in. The six members who have the ponies are a very varied lot: from Noel who agonises over everything, to Richard who couldn’t care less, and Evelyn and June who are convinced they know it all. Not everything goes to plan by a long way.

I Had Two Ponies

Collins, London, 1947, illus Anne Bullen
Armada, London, 1963
Collins Pony Library, London, 1974
Jane Badger Books, 2020, eBook and paperback

Spoilt Christabel couldn’t care less when her two ponies are sold. Then she goes to stay with the Westlake family, and begins to see the error of her ways. Stricken by guilt, she tries to find the two ponies.

Plenty Of Ponies

Collins, London, 1949, illus Anne Bullen
Collins Seagull, London, 1964
Armada, London, 1970, later 1970s
White Lion, London, 1977
Jane Badger Books, 2022, eBook and paperback

The Esmond family are hopeless, despite having lovely ponies and a groom, so they decide to start a self-improvement campaign, but they seem to get worse, not better.

Pony Club Team

Collins, London, 1950, illus Sheila Rose
Collins, London, 1956
Armada, London, 1973, 1977
Collins Pony Library, 1973
Swift, London, 1987
Collins, London, 1950, illus Sheila Rose
Collins, London, 1956
Armada, London, 1973, 1977
Collins Pony Library, 1973
Swift, London, 1987
Jane Badger Books, 2019, eBook and paperback

The Major decides to hold a course for the Pony Club during the holidays, with a dressage competition at the end. We meet Henry, see more of John, and Christopher explodes onto the scene with the uncontrollable Fireworks. The Radcliffes haven’t changed, and although the Pony Club get there in the end, it is a struggle.

The Radney Riding Club

Collins, London, 1951, illus Sheila Rose
Knight, Leicester, 1970
Armada, London, 1981
Swift, London,1987, hb
Jane Badger Books, 2019, eBook and paperback

Set on Henry’s home turf, he and Noel decide to start a Riding Club. The set of characters is mostly new, but the problems that beset them are the same.

Prince Among Ponies

Collins, London, 1952, illus Charlotte Hough
Collins Seagull Library, 1962
Armada, London, 1970, 1978
Jane Badger Books, 2020, eBook and paperback

Patrick and Sara, who have learned to ride quite correctly, go to stay with the Merrimans. Jane Merriman has a pony, the glorious Adonis, who has been declared unsafe, but Patrick and Sara think their methods might work, so they start riding him in secret.

One Day Event

Collins, London, 1954, illus Sheila Rose
Collins, London, 1958
Collins Pony Library, London, 1973
Armada, pb, 1974, 1979
Swift, London, 1987
Jane Badger Books, eBook and paperback, 2019

Noel has two Anglo-Arabs to school: Truant and Tranquil, but she is in the usual Noel-like floods of despair, as nothing seems to be going right. Henry isn’t having much luck with Echo either, so the Major yet again comes to the rescue of the Pony Club, and starts schooling them.

Show Jumping Secret

Collins, London, 1955, illus Sheila Rose
Collins Seagull Library, London, 1963
Armada, London, 1969, 1981
Collins Pony Library, London, 1974
Jane Badger Books, 2020, eBook and paperback, 2024

Charles has suffered from polio, which has badly affected one of his legs. Riding is supposed to help him, so he learns to ride. At first, under the auspices of his cousins, this is disastrous, but then he finds a riding school run on more enlightened principles, and matters start to improve.

He learns to jump, and then buys the grey mare, Secret. Charles is determined to show jump her successfully.

Patrick’s Pony

Brockhampton, Leicester,1956, Illus Geoffrey Whittam
Brockhampton, Leicester, 1957
Beaver, London, 1985, pb
Jane Badger Books, 2023, eBook and paperback

Patrick lives with his grandfather and his pony Taffy, but when Grandfather becomes ill, Patrick is carted off to a children’s home. Taffy goes too, but he suffers at the home. Patrick then finds a foster family who live on a farm, but the father is hostile and won’t take Taffy. Patrick and the daughter, Carol, are  determined to rescue Taffy.

Pony Club Camp

Collins , London, 1957, illus Sheila Rose
Collins Pony Library, London, 1973
Armada, London, 1974, 1980
Swift, London, 1987
Jane Badger Books, eBook 2021, paperback 2022

Noel has left school; Henry is on leave from the Army, and it’s Pony Club Camp time. Noel and Henry are now promoted to teaching. All of the Pony Club have moved on, and there are plenty of new characters too. It’s interesting to see them now interested in each other as more than just someone who rides a pony. This is the book in which Noel and Henry kiss (or do they?)

The Trick Jumpers

Collins , London, 1958, illus Sheila Rose
Armada, London, 1965, 1975
Collins Seagull, 1970
Collins Pony Library, London, 1973, reprinted 1974

After a very unpromising start, the Trelawny and Henderson families unite to produce a show display that will have any Health and Safety Executive fainting away with sheer horror.

All Change

Ernest Benn, London, 1961, illus Sheila Rose
Armada, London, 1963, 1972
Reprinted as The Hidden Horse
Armada, 1982, 160 pp
And under this same title
J A Allen, London, 1994
Jane Badger Books, eBook, 2020, paperback 2024

After Lord Conway’s death, the Conway family think they will have to move away from the estate they have grown up on and loved, after their father, the Land Agent, crosses swords with the new owner, a city man whom the Conways think cannot possibly understand country ways.

Race Horse Holiday

Armada Original 1971, pb, London, 127 pp.
Armada, London, 1977
Severn House, London, 1979
Cavalier, 1996, pb

Vivien and John spend their holidays at a local racing stables.

Black Ebony

In Black Beauty’s Clan, Brockhampton, London, 1975,
illus Elisabeth Grant
Knight, Leicester, pb, 1979
In Black Beauty’s Family, Chancellor, 1986
In Black Beauty’s Family, Red Fox, London, 2000

An extract appears in The Treasury of Horse & Pony Stories, and in Horse and Pony Stories, ed Janet Barber, Sundial Books Ltd, London, 1979

Black Ebony is Black Beauty’s youngest brother. His life is much like Black Beauty’s: he’s broken in, spends time in the railway field, is sold to a member of the aristocracy and goes hunting. Then he is used as a mount by a Mr Arkwright, and finds out about the grimness of life in the mines, both for humans and ponies.

Star-Riders of the Moor

Hodder & Stoughton, London,1976, illus Elisabeth Grant
Knight, Leicester, 1979, pb
As Star Riders by J A Allen, London, 1990
Jane Badger Books, eBook, 2024
Jane Badger Books, paperback, 2024

A film is being made on the moor. The children are invited to take part, but then strange things start to happen, and they begin to wonder if the film is actually a cover for something sinister.

Black Nightshade

Knight, Leicester, pb, 1978
In Black Beauty’s Family, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1978,
283 pp, illus Elisabeth Grant
In Black Beauty’s Family, Chancellor, 1986
In More From Black Beauty’s Family, Red Fox

Black Nightshade is a thoroughbred racehorse, is born during the reign of George III. He has a varied career, for as well as racing, he is a highway man’s horse, is owned by a manufactory owner, and plays a  part in the Napoleonic War.

Fear Treks the Moor

Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1979
Knight, Leicester, pb, 1981
Jane Badger Books, 2024 (eBook)
Jane Badger Books, 2024, paperback

Frances and her friends are busy running Mr Jackson’s pony trekking business, but one of the trekkers is terrified of two fearsome strangers who say they are his uncles. First they try to disguise “N Hutchinson”, and when that doesn’t work, try more and more desperate measures.

Ride to the Rescue

Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1979, illus Elisabeth Grant
Beaver, London, 1984, pb
An extract appears as The Runaway Boy in The Treasury of Horse & Pony Stories
Jane Badger Books, 2024, (eBook)
Jane Badger Books, 2024, paperback

Mrs Hathaway, who lives in a lonely cottage on the moor, is convinced that she is going to be burgled. Frances (who has a new horse, Orlando), believes her, and is determined to solve the mystery.

Ghost Horse on the Moor

Hodder & Stougton, London, 1980, illus Eric Rowe
Beaver, London, pb,1980
Jane Badger Books, 2024, (eBook)
Jane Badger books, 2024, paperback

A distraught grey horse gallops over the moor, with no rider, and with its saddle flapping underneath it. Frances and her friends are determined to catch the horse and find out who it belongs to and why it is there.

Black Swift

Canongate, Edinburgh, 1981, pb

Black Swift was born at Radstock Castle during the Civil War, and is the fastest filly in Sir Thomas Wakefield’s stable. She is the first of a new breed with which her owner hopes to repair his fortunes, but then she is stolen and taken to the battlefields of the Civil War.

the no good pony

Sparrow, London, 1981, pb
Severn House, London, 1982, hb
An extract appears as The Race in The Treasury of Horse & Pony Stories

The Brodie and Dalton children have to live together now that Mr Dalton has married Mrs Brodie, but they don’t get on at all. The Dalton’s ponies are immaculate, but the Brodie’s Treacle is anything but. Treacle, though, proves that looks aren’t everything.

Black Raven the Witch

Appears in Black Beauty’s Family 2, Beaver, London, 1982

Black Raven is a West Country mare who helps a couple of young lovers to elope, and saves a witch from drowning.

The Prize Pony

Arrow, London, 1982, pb
Severn House, London, 1983, hb

Debbie does that thing that every pony mad girl dreams of: she wins a pony. Unfortunately, she does not end up with the pony that is best for her, and her dream of owning a pony soon turns into a nightmare.

Treasure on the Moor

Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1982, 112 pp, illus Jon Davis
Jane Badger Books, 2024, (eBook)
Jane Badger Books, 2024, paperback

The children hunt for the Kenny treasure, which might be hidden in the estuary, or could equally well be on the moor.

Pony Club Cup

Armada Original, London, 1983
Jane Badger Books, eBook and paperback, 2020

The Woodbury Pony Club is the worst in the district, so they aren’t too hopeful when told their new instructor is an ex-jockey. David Lumley, though, soon takes them in hand, and they and their dreadful ponies start to improve, ready to show the neighbouring Cranford Vale team what’s what.

Save the ponies

Sparrow, London, 1983
Severn House, London, 1984, hb
An extract appears as The Storm in The Treasury of Horse & Pony Stories, 1995

Set in Greece, Mandy, Kate, Jeremy and Fergus meet Nico and Sophia and find that an Athenian horse dealer is illegally buying the island’s ponies to use them in a circus. The children decide they must save the ponies.

Pony Club Challenge

Armada Original, London,1984
Jane Badger Books, 2020, eBook and paperback

The neighbouring Pony Club, the Cranford Vale, have challenged the Woodbury to a Tetrathlon, but they only have three weeks to get their unfit selves and their ponies ready to shoot, run, and ride cross country.

Mystery on the Moor

Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1984, illus Chris Rothero
Jane Badger Books, 2024 (eBook)
Jane Badger Books, 2024 (paperback)

The fear of rabies haunts the moor, and there is also the problem of the unpleasant Mr Bates, who tries his hardest to keep everyone away from his farm.

Pony Club Trek

Armada Original, London, 1985
Jane Badger Books, 2020, eBook and paperback

The Woodbury Pony Club are going on a three day ride over the Downs, though as you would expect, nothing goes smoothly, until at the end, they are fighting to save a pony’s life.

Suspicion Stalks the Moor

Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1986, illus Glenn Steward
Jane Badger Books, 2024, eBook – August 2024
Jane Badger Books, 2024 (paperback)

A famous stallion has vanished, and when the children see a horse being unloaded off a ship in the dead of night, they can’t help but wonder if the two are connected, particularly when mysterious Mr Spalding has a stallion at his farm.

a job with horses

J A Allen, London, 1994
Jane Badger Books, 2022, eBook and paperback

Kate’s mother re-marries, and when she has a baby, Kate is even more unhappy.  As she’s passed her BHSAI exam, she applies for a job at a West Country stately home, which runs a jousting team, as one of the things it does to keep afloat. Not all of the glamorous jousters though, are exactly what they seem.


Proud Riders: Horse and Pony Stories

Brockhampton, Leicester, 1973

A short story collection edited by Josephine Pullein-Thompson.

Pony Club Stories

Dean, London, 1994

Contains Pony Club Cup, Pony Club Challenge and Pony Club Trek

Treasury of Horse and Pony Stories
(with Diana and Christine Pullein-Thompson)

Award, London, 1995, 480 pp, illus Eric Rowe
Award, London, 2015, 480 pp, illus Eric Rowe

A collection of short stories written by the sisters over the years. Josephine’s contributions are: I’ll Never Pass, The Runaway Boy, The Failure, Ebony Joins the Circus, The Race, The Storm, Oh Cobweb, How Could You? and The Trek. They are all either extracts, or appeared first elsewhere.

Short stories

Cocktail Capitulates
Riding Magazine, January, 1941, written with Diana and Christine
A ruined pony is rehabilitated.

The Road to Ruin
Riding Magazine, Summer,  1942, written with Diana and Christine
A pony goes to the bad.

If I Had That Pony
Collin’s Children’s Annual, undated, possibly 1950s.

The Failure
The Pony Club Annual 1966, Max Parrish & Co, 1965, illus Sheila Rose
Philippa hates her sisters: they are successful and she is not.

The Mock Hunt
The Pony Club Annual 1967, Max Parrish & Co, 1966, illus Joan Wanklyn

The Trek
The Pony Club Annual 1969, Purnell, 1968, illus Sally Webb

A Horrible Horsy Daughter
The Pony Club Annual 1971, Purnell, 1970, illus Janet Johnstone
Horse and Pony Stories, ed Janet Barber, Sundial Books Ltd, London, 1979

The Scavenger Hunt
The Pony Club Annual 1972, Purnell, 1971, illus Janet Johnstone
Christine Pullein-Thompson’s Book of Pony Stories, Piccolo, London, 1975
Clare is in a foul mood when she starts off for the Scavenger Hunt.

The Birdwatcher of Beacon Hill
The Pony Club Annual 1973, Purnell, 1972, illus Sian Williams
The Datchett family move to the country.

Chop and Change
The Pony Club Annual 1974, Purnell, 1973, illus Sally Webb
The Best of Pony Club Stories, Purnell & Sons, London, 1978
A pony’s eye view of a Pony Club rally.

Bound to Fail
Pony Magazine Annual 1975, illus Christine Bousfield
Will Pippa fail C test yet again?

Bone of Contention
The Pony Club Annual 1976, Purnell, 1975, illus Sally Bell
A local footpath becomes an issue.

Oh, Cobweb, How Could You!
The Pony Club Annual 1983, Purnell, 1982, illus Christine Bousfield
Horse & Pony Stories, a Thoroughbred Collection, 1992
Cobweb stops jumping, but it turns out there is a valid reason!

The Pullein-Thompson Treasury of Horse and Pony Stories
Award, 1995, illus Eric Rowe

I’ll Never Pass, The Runaway Boy, The Failure, Ebony Joins the Circus, The Race, The Storm, Oh Cobweb, How Could You?, The Trek

Non fiction

Ride Better and Better
Knight, Leicester, 1977, illus Priscilla Goodfield

How Horses are Trained
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1961

Ponies in Colour
Batsford, London, 1962, photos: Nicholas Meyjes

Learn to Ride Well
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London,1966
Cavalier, 1996

Horses and Their Owners [Ed JPT]
Nelson, London, 1970

Fair Girls on Grey Horses
(with Diana and Christine Pullein-Thompson)

Allison & Busby, 1996, hb
Allison & Busby, 1998, pb

Adult fiction

Gin and Murder
[Adult detective fiction]
Hammond, Hammond & Co, London, 1959, 190 pp.
Linford Large Print, 1990
Greyladies Press, Edinburgh, 2014

They Died in the Spring
Hammond, Hammond & Co, London,1960, 191 pp.
Ulverscroft Foundation, 1990, large print

Murder Strikes Pink
Hammond, Hammond & Co, London, 1963, 187 pp.
Linford Large Print, 1990

Josephine Pullein-Thompson also wrote one romantic fiction title as Josephine Mann.