About the author
Joan Penney wrote a pair of books about the Arab pony, Melka: . Both have lovely illustrations by D H Mays.
Finding the books
Both are reasonably easy to find; a bit less so with their djs, but not impossible.
Links and sources
The British Library
Many thanks to Amanda for her help with the pictures.
Melka – The Story of an Arab Pony
Methuen & Co, London, 1934, illus D L Mays, 149 pp.
This is the story of Melka from her birth in Africa to playing polo and jumping in England.

Melka in England
Methuen & Co, London, 1935, illus D L Mays
Melka has now reached England, and lives at Woodside Farm with Telephone, the wild ass who came to England with her. She wins the jumping at Richmond, but is stolen by gypsies and has many adventures before she finally returns home.