About the author
Margaret Palmer has written just the one pony book, as far as I know: Honeypot and Buzz. This one is aimed at the younger reader, and is an absolute charmer. It’s written with a wry humour and the author obviously knows her donkeys and ponies well. Honeypot, the donkey, and Buzz, the pony, are owned by Lucy, and the book contains three short stories about them.
Finding the book
Can be pricey, but ex library copies are usually reasonably priced.
Bibliography (pony books only)
Honeypot and Buzz
George Harrap & Sons Ltd, London, 1968, 54 pp. Illus the author.
This book contains three stories about Honeypot the donkey, Buzz the pony, and Lucy, their owner. In the first, Honeypot escapes, in the second, a black pony visits them, and in the third they experience snow.