About the author
Alice Molony has written just the one pony book I know about, though she did illustrate two dog stories for Kitty Barne: May I Keep Dogs? and Roly’s Dogs. Lion’s Crouch is set in Cornwall, during the Second World War. Mary has been sent off to an aunt’s farm, together with her dog, Happysnapper. The book is told retrospectively, and so we know from the outset that it doesn’t end well for Happysnapper, but that Happysnapper dies defeating spies. The author was, I think, happiest illustrating dogs, and her dog portraits are lovely. Happysnapper has the lion’s share of the affection and attention in the book, though the ponies are well described, and the action is vivid.
The story is well told, and it is a poignant read.
Finding the book
Reasonably easy to find, but can be pricey with its dustjacket.
Bibliography (pony books only)
Lion’s Crouch
Faber & Faber, London, 1944, illus the author
Lion’s Crouch is set in Cornwall, during World War II. Mary has been sent off to an aunt’s farm, together with her dog, Happysnapper. The book is told retrospectively, and so we know from the outset that it doesn’t end well for Happysnapper, but that Happysnapper dies defeating spies.
Many thanks to Martyn for the picture of the dustjacket.