About the author
Pamela lives in Wales, the setting for some of her books. She used to breed Welsh Section As and Shetlands. She drives as well as rides, and is breaking in a Welsh cob to ride and drive. Her first book was The Pony Swap, written for J A Allen as part of their pony book series. She then wrote for the Scandinavian Stabenfeldt Pony Club series. This was a book club run by the publisher, which commissions pony books sold only by it. They no longer publish English-language editions.
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Sources and links
Read more about Pamela Kavanagh here.
The Pony Swap
J A Allen Equestrian Fiction, 1994
Nicky’s pony, Comet is too much for her, but her friend Zak, the gypsy lad who helps her, persuades Nicky to swap Comet for the quiet Cobber, but then Nicky discovers Cobber is not all he seems to be, and then Zak disappears…

Hoofbeats on the Wind
Pony Club, Stabenfeldt AS, 2004

Pony Farm Mystery
Pony Club, Stabenfeldt AS, 2004, cover art Neil Reid
“Hannah has always found herself strangely attracted to the statue of the Pony Boy at her grandmother’s horse farm. But when Hannah and her sister Emily stay at the farm for the summer, Hannah never imagines that the
statue could be the key to uncovering the truth about her grandfather’s past! Can Hannah prove her grandfather’s
innocence in a terrible disgrace and save the future of the farm? Only the Pony Boy knows for sure!”
Many thanks to Susan Bourgeau for the picture.

Pony Club, Stabenfeldt AS, 2004

Pony Club, Stabenfeldt, 2008, illus Jennifer Bell, 152 pp.
Tessa uncovers phantom tracks of a horse and buggy on a path near the farm. Tales are told locally of a phantom horse and a curse at the Old Forge. Can Tessa help her new friends Nick and Tessa uncover the mystery before their new life at the Old Forge is ruined?

Hoof Beats at Midnight
Pony Club, Stabenfeldt, 2009,
Kate’s mare Cobweb returns after two years, but there is something spookily different about her.

Short Stories in collections
Ride Like The Wind [chosen by Wendy Cooling]
Dolphin, 1997, pb
Pamela has a short story in the collection: Ponystruck
Kingfisher Book of Horse and Pony Stories [chosen by Jenny Oldfield]
Kingfisher, Boston, 2007
Pamela has a short story in the collection: Ride Like the Wind