About the author
Sara Herbert has written three pony books. The last, The Secret of the Missing Foal, was written some time after the other two and is quite different in style.
Finding the books
Pony Plot and Missing Foal are very easy to find as paperbacks: The Great Pony Raid and The Pony Plot (hardback) don’t turn up particularly often, but are not expensive when they do.
The Great Pony Raid
Max Parrish, 1967, illus Sheila Bewley
The Overmarsten Summer Pony Camp is on; a wild mare and foal disappear – stolen, the pony campers think, and they get together with other pony camps to foil a gang of horse
Many thanks to Hannah Fleeetwood for the picture.

The Pony Plot
Max Parrish, 1967, illus Michael Whittlesea
Wingate, 1975
Target, pb, 1975
Lynn moves to the country. She is pony mad, and is desperate to have a pony of her own.
She soon makes friends with the Barrington children at Whitscomb Manor, and with Marie and Jack, two gypsy children whose father works at the local circus. Then Clive, a young orphan appears, and the plot thickens… and Lynn’s loyalties are divided.
Many thanks to Ruth for the picture of the hardback.

The Secret of the Missing Foal
Wingate, 1975
Target, pb, 1975
If you can ignore the great gaping plot holes, in this, it’s a decent enough holiday adventure story. The pony element is minimal: the missing foal is missing in the story too. Uncle Benedict has died in rather mysterious circumstances: Ralph, Judy, Ginny Sam and Prissy arrive at the house to find a very sinister caretaker and a palomino foal who’s disappeared.