About the author
A writer of board and picture books for young children, she has written several titles which involve ponies. I haven’t as yet been able to find any biographical information on her. If you can help, please contact me.
Finding the books
Available secondhand.
My Perfect Pony
Parragon Books, 2006, 24 pp. Comes with charm in front pocket.
Read a review of the book here.
This is the story of Pepper the pony and his owner Lucy. There is a strand of modern children’s literature which wants you to feel better about yourself. This one aims to bolster the self esteem of its infant reader by showing that it does not matter if you, the pony, are short and fat, and you can’t jump, show or do gymkhana games often. What matters is that you don’t throw a wobbly if you go past geese, or wave your hindleg at your child owner.