About the author
Che Golden worked in IT journalism in Northern Ireland before deciding to give it up to concentrate on writing fiction. She did a Masters in writing for children and young people at the University of Bath, and she is now writing the Meadow Vale Ponies series for OUP. The series is based on a wicked pony Che Golden took on for her daughter. Brie. Brie was an experience:
… although she was probably the worst pony ever, she made us laugh every day and she can never be replaced. Because she was also big hearted, loyal, intelligent and very, very brave. There will never be another Brie for us.
She shares her love of riding with her daughter, and they have two ponies: a Dartmoor and a Highland.
Finding the books
In print.
Links and sources
Che Golden’s website
Che Golden on OUP
Meadow Vale Ponies
Mulberry and the Summer Show
Mulberry for Sale
Mulberry in Danger!
Mulberry Gets up to Mischief
The Unicorn Hunter
OUP, Oxford, 2013
Second in the Blarney trilogy (the first is The Feral Child). Life is filled with fear for the inhabitants of Blarney, because the faeries of Tír na nÓg are right their on their doorstep, and are perfectly capable of unleashing terror any time they choose. Eleven year old Maddy though, is not afraid. There is a key to balance and harmony in the two worlds, and it’s a unicorn. But the unicorn is injured, and Maddy is the only one who can track down the thing that injured her.

Mulberry and the Summer Show
OUP, Oxford, 2013, 179 pp, illus Thomas Docherty
Sam is scared of riding: the only horse she’s comfortable with is her mother’s gentle cob Velvet. But it’s time for Sam to learn to ride ponies at the yard where her mum and sister ride. Sam’s elder sister is a brilliant rider,
and Sam wants so much to follow in her footsteps. But her first lesson is a disaster. Help is on hand from an unexpected quarter: it turns out the Shetlands can talk. They don’t like the yard bully, Cecilia, any more than
Sam does, and hatch a plan for Sam to show the yard owner what she’s made of, and at the same time do Cecilia down. Unfortunately this plan involves Sam riding the yard’s nightmare pony: Mulberry. And Mulberry’s
the one pony who won’t talk to Sam.

Mulberry for sale
OUP, Oxford, 2013, 192 pp, illus Thomas Docherty
‘Sam is broken-hearted when she hears her favourite pony Mulberry is going to be sold. But Mulberry has decided to be very fussy about the home she goes to and sets about causing some serious mischief! Sam is the only rider who can really talk to Mulberry, and the only one prepared to listen. They want to stay together but is their special bond strong enough to persuade Sam’s mum to buy the naughtiest pony at Meadow Vale Stables?’

Mulberry to the rescue
OUP, Oxford, 2014, 192 pp, illus Thomas Docherty
Mulberry’s been stolen, and not only her: Velvet and Lucy are missing to. Mulberry, a cut above other equines when it come to intelligence, manages to escape, but will she and Sam be able to rescue Velvet and Lucy, and the other animals being kept on the rundown farm they’ve been taken to before it’s too late?

Mulberry gets up to Mischief
OUP, Oxford, 2015
A new pony has arrived on Mulberry’s livery yard but she isn’t happy. This pony is having the attention she thinks should be hers, so she decides to do something about it. It does not go well.