About the author
Hilary Fitzgerald has written two books about the Robin family and their farm, both of which have lovely illustrations by Peter Biegel.
Finding the books
There are a lot more copies of Faraway Farm than about Home Farm, but neither are usually particularly expensive.
The Robin Family
The Home Farm
Faraway Farm
The Home Farm
Adam & Charles Black, London, 1952, 106 pp, illus Peter Biegel
The blurb:
“This is the story of the everyday adventures of Elizabeth, Alastair and Peter Robin on the farm which is their home. The children help in the endless activities of the farm and their questions and conversations woven into the story take the reader right behind the scenes in modern farm life.”

Faraway Farm
Adam & Charles Black, London, 1957, 141 pp, illus Peter Biegel
“This is the further story of Elizabeth, Alastair and Peter Robin, who live on a farm. Not only do they enjoy all the things that most country children do, such as visiting an agricultural show and a farm sale, having a riding supper picnic and punting on the river, but they are lucky enough to have ponies of their own and go to a pony club camp and ride in gymkhanas. Half way through the holidays, they find themselves solely responsible for a small farm…”