About the author
Lilias Edwards wrote widely for children. She wrote three pony books, one of which was unusual in that it was specially commissioned for the Collins Pony Library series: most titles were reprints and very little was written specially for the series.
Finding the books
Silver Blaze is easy to find, and is very cheap. Dancing Pony and Stable to Let are a little harder to find, and more expensive, but generally still reasonable in price.
The Dancing Pony
Golden Pleasure Books, London, 1965, illus Joan Thompson, 96 pp. Large format paperback – nearly A4 size
Debbie is enchanted by the brown Dartmoor pony pulling the vegetable cart, and she soon makes friends with his owner, and finds out that the pony was once a circus pony who could dance in time to the music when certain tunes were played.
Debbie and her brother have a plan to send Mr Pegg to see his daughter in Scotland
but it looks as if it will come to nothing when Brownie disappears. Even when he is found, Debbie has a terrible decision to make.”

Silver Blaze
Hamlyn, pb, 1968, 124 pp.
“Susan had felt as if the pony was hers ever since his birth. She had given even given him his name – Silver Blaze. And Betsy who taught Susan to handle horses, loved the pony,too. They were miserable when Silver was to be
sold – for the third time! To help Betsy buy Silver, the youth club puts on a hilarious pantomine…and then the money is stolen. Betsy and Susan nearly give up hope of seeing their favourite pony again…but a surprising event leads to their happy reunion.”

A Stable to Let
Collins Pony Library no 13, 1973, pictorial boards, 158 pp.
“Cherry is not happy about moving once again. She has been indulged by her wealthy parents, and gets off to the wrong start with Jennifer, the neighbor girl, when she demands that Jennifer sell her pony to Cherry, and that money is of no object. Fed up with his spoiled daughter, Cherry’s father decides that not only will there not be a pony, but Cherry will not even get riding lessons until she has learned all she can about horse management. So Cherry is
sent to the local riding school, to clean stalls in exchange for learning. Gradually she becomes a better person for it, and eventually does get her first pony, a far different pony than the “money’s no object” Silver King which she so desired.”

Short Stories
I Wanted a Pony
In Horse and Pony Stories for Girls
Hamlyn, 1971, illus F D Phillips