About the author
Beryl Bye wrote Christian devotional books, and her pony books are written from a Christian perspective. I have only read Pony for Sale, but this isn’t a book which wallops you around the head with its faith. I think it is a book written by an author whose way of life it genuinely expresses: yes, there is obviously some intent to persuade the reader to think about Christianity, but it’s done well.Her three books are about the same three characters: Cathy, Belinda and Jane.
Finding the books
All the titles are easy to find, and generally reasonably priced.
Bibliography (horse books only)
nobody’s pony
Lutterworth Press, Guildford, 1967
Cathy’s parents can’t afford to buy her a pony, so she pretends one she finds in a field is hers. She pretends so hard that she sees herself as his true owner, until an accident at a gymkhana makes her realise what thetruth actually is, and through her decision to do the right thing she meets her great friend Jane.

pony for sale
Lutterworth Press, Guildford, 1969
Reprinted in pb, 1975, 126 pp. Cover Alan Roe
Jane and Belinda both have ponies: Cathy doesn’t. Her friend Joy is a missionary, marooned in Africa, and Cathy prays to be shown a way to help her. God’s answer is absolutely what she does not want, but she manages to obey in the end.
Many thanks to Dawn Harrison for the photo.

Lutterworth, 1973
Cathy spots a faded name on Belle’s browband. The pony has sudden fits of terror, and Cathy and her friends try and find out what lies behind it all by tracing the mare’s history.