White, Zita

About the author

Zita White was born on 29 May, 1933 in Queensland. She wrote two pony books and edited two books on horsemanship under the name Zita White, but also wrote under the name Zita Denholm. Ride Across the Ocean is a book I had in stock for years when I was a bookseller, and never actually managed to read; I wish I had, as I now have The One Day Ponies and enjoyed it. It’s the story of a challenge between two cousins, where the country-dwelling side have an epic task putting together a one day event team. It’s an enjoyable read.

Finding the books
Both the pony books are easy to find, though I have noticed the prices have edged up in recent years. They’re still not exorbitant.

Links and sources

Bibliography (pony books only)

The One-Day Ponies

Lutterworth, London, 1958, illus Sheila Rose

A challenge between town and country, where both have to put together a one day event team. It’s rather more of a challenge than they think it will be!

Ride Across the Ocean

Lutterworth, London, 1959, illus Sheila Rose