About the author
Margaret Pearce was born in a suburb of Melbourne. She is a compulsive writer, having started as a compulsive reader; writing, however, pays considerably better than reading. She started as a copywriter, and had her first book published after 18 months of trying. She has written ever since, and now self publishes many of her works. She has written a horse series, Jumping into Trouble, which has appeared recently but is based around a book she wrote in 1978, The Circus Runaways.
Finding the books: The Circus Runaways is easy to find in the UK, where it was published. All titles can be found as ebooks.
Links and sources
Margaret Pearce at Writers’ Exchange
An interview with Margaret Pearce
Jumping into Trouble
Wanted! A Horse
The Circus Runaways
Missing! A Horse
Bibliography (pony books only)
The Circus Runaways
Puffin Books, Harmondsworth, 1978, 108 pp.
Available as print on demand and as an e-book. Print date uncertain.
The circus is a place of excitement, with dancing horses, but for John, who has run away, his dog Blue and his horse Roanie, the circus turns the winter into something special.

Wanted! A Horse
Scholastic, Australia, 1983
Available as print on demand and as an e-book. Print date uncertain.
John is desperate for a horse. His parents have no sympathy at all for this wish, but his friend Jenny understands how he feels, and she shares her pony with him. Eventually he does get a horse, Roanie, but it’s then that his problems really start. (NB: the synopsis sounds as if this is a prequel to The Circus Runaways).

Missing! A Horse
Available as print on demand and as an e-book. Print date uncertain.
The worst has happened: John and Berry’s horses have disappeared. Are they lost, strayed or stolen? Or perhaps sold for meat? The two boys try desperately to find their horses.