About the author
Esta de Fossard (b.1934) was born in Melbourne. She’s written picture books under her own name, and under her pseudonym of Estelle Grey, the four book Julie Gordon series, about a teenage girl. One of the books, Julie Gordon: the Pony Club Camp is a horse story. In other volumes of the series, Julie gets to be an exchange student, go in for the school fashion contest, and confound smugglers.
Under her own name, Esta de Frossard wrote several picture books, many of which were illustrated by Haworth Bartram. She was educated at the University of Melbourne, and taught English at Lauriston Girls’ School, Melbourne. After her marriage, she emigrated to America, where she wrote on writing for television and radio.
Finding the book
Not many copies about, but are reasonably priced when they do turn up.
Sources and links
Bibliography (pony books only)
Julie Gordon: The Pony Club Camp
Golden Press, Sydney, 1974, 172 pp.
Reprinted as Trixie Belden Presents… Julie Gordon: The Pony Club Camp,
Golden Press, Sydney, 1981
It’s summer holiday time at the Western Hills Pony Ranch, where Julie’s been persuaded to go by her friend Frankie. Frankie immediately makes an enemy of bossy Roger; another camp member tries to run away, and Barbara sneers at beginners, and that includes Julie. However, by the end of the camp, they’ve learnt a lot more about horses and people.

Frisk the Unfriendly Foal
Childerset, Victoria, 1976, 25 pp, illus Haworth Bartram
EJ Arnold, Leeds, 1977
Reprinted as Tommy the Timid Foal
Gareth Stevens, Milwaukee,1985, 32 pp, illus Haworth Bartram
Tommy the foal doesn’t make friends easily but after he meets assorted animals, and a young boy, he discovers that having friends is rather good.
Judy’s Pony
Childerset, Victoria, 1977, 31 pp, illus Haworth Bartram
Reprinted 1984

Darby the donkey
Childerset, Victoria, 1978, 36 pp, photographs by Haworth Bartram
Reprinted as Lenny, the Lost Donkey,
Gareth Stevens, Milwaukee, 1985, 32 pp
The blurb:
A donkey who is searching for “school” to be with the children and learn things discovers new friends and learns other things on the way.