About the author
Carmel Rowley was born in Melbourne. As a child, she dreamed of owning a horse, and her parents eventually gave in when she was 13. Horses have remained part of her life: with her husband Don, she bred Arabian horses for over thirty years. Her books are inspired by Arabians too. Her Daughters of the Wind series, aimed at adults, is centred around Jessikah Carey and her Darling Downs Arabian stud. Her As the Crow Flies Series seems to have stalled at one book.
Finding the books
The books are available direct from the author, but a cheaper way of buying them (they’re not cheap) is via Arabian magazines based wherever you are. The Arabian Magazine Shop has them in the UK.
Links and sources
Carmel Rowley’s website
Daughters of the Wind
Tails Carried High
Voices in the Wind
Winds of Time
As the Crow Flies
Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback
Bibliography (pony books only)
Tails Carried High
Book Pal, Queensland, 2009, 538 pp.
After her mother dies, Jessikah leaves England to seek out her family history in Queensland, Australia. She uncovers some disturbing secrets, and learns that, had her mother remained in Australia, she would have been the fourth generation in a long line of Arabian horse breeders. Jessika wants to know how her grandmother died 25 years earlier, who owns her stud, and why it’s now crumbling. With the aid of the handsome Marc, Jessikah goes in search of solutions.

Voices in the Wind
Pearsons View, Queensland, 2010, 274 pp.
Jessikah Lloyd is on the holiday of a lifetime, but it’s a holiday that will have long lasting effects she couldn’t ever have imagined. There’s a mysterious incident in Venice, and at a major German Arabian show, events take a sinister turn. There are deathbed revelations, betrayal and mystery.

Winds of Time
Pearsons View, Queensland, 2012, 465 pp.
In the Arabian desert, a terrible secret lurks. Jessikah Carey, at her Arabian stud, doesn’t knowthat. Life goes on as normal until she gets an invitation from her aunt, who lives in Egypt.Jessikah is puzzled – why after years of silence is Aunt Athlia so keen to see her? Once in Egypt, she discovers all sorts of secrets, which will have a major impact on her life.

Danika and Yatimah – from Egypt to the Outback
Pearsons View, Queensland, 2010, 140 pp, illus Willa Frayser
Danika lives in the outback on a huge cattle station. She has a beautiful grey Arabian mare, Yatimah. Yatimah needs to be as brave and true as her heritage suggests as there’s danger and excitement for them both.